2006-55 |
On the l-Function and the Reduced volume of Perelman II
Rugang Ye |
2006-54 |
On the l-Function and the Reduced Volume of Perelman I
Rugang Ye |
2006-53 |
Shocks in the Evolution of an Eroding Channel
Edward Welsh , Bjorn Birnir, and Andrea L. Bertozzi |
2006-52 |
Gauge Theory, Ramification, And The Geometric Langlands Program
Sergei Gukov, Edward Witten |
2006-51 |
Manifolds with A Lower Ricci Curvature Bound
Guofang Wei |
2006-50 |
Hitchin-Thorpe Inequality for Noncompact Einstein 4-Manifolds
Xianzhe Dai and Guofang Wei |
2006-49 |
Reconstruction of algebraic domains from dynamic moments
Gabriela Putinar and Mihai Putinar |
2006-48 |
Asymptotics for extremal moments and monodromy of complex singularities
Gabriela Putinar |
2006-47 |
Selected topics on quadrature domains
Bjorn Gustafsson and Mihai Putinar |
2006-46 |
Semi-local micro-differential theory and computations of moments of semi-algebraic domains
Gabriela Putinar |
2006-45 |
Global existence for 3D incompressible isotropic elastodynamics
T. Sideris and B. Thomases |
2006-44 |
Dispersive estimates for solutions of multi-dimensional isotropic symmetric hyperbolic systems
T. Sideris |
2006-43 |
Local energy decay for solutions of multi-dimensional isotropic symmetric hyperbolic systems
T. Sideris and B. Thomases |
2006-42 |
Positive polynomials in scalar and matrix variables, the spectral theorem and optimization
J.W.Helton and M. Putinar |
2006-41 |
Minimal genus problem: New approach
Mohamed Aït Nouh |
2006-40 |
Geometric types of twisted knots
Mohamed Aït-Nouh, Daniel Matignon and Kimihiko Motegi |
2006-39 |
Twisted unknots
Mohamed Aït Nouh, Daniel Matignon, Kimihiko Motegi |
2006-38 |
Obtaining graph knots by twisting unknots
Mohamed Aït Nouh, Daniel Matignon, Kimihiko Motegi |
2006-37 |
On the virtual Betti numbers of arithmetic hyperbolic 3-manifolds
D. Cooper, D. D. Long and A. W. Reid |
2006-36 |
Geodesics and commensurability classes of arithmetic hyperbolic 3-manifolds
T. Chinburg, E. Hamilton, D. D. Long and A. W. Reid |
2006-35 |
Existence of minimal models for varieties of log general type
Caucher Birkar, Paolo Cascini, Christopher D. Hacon, James McKernan |
2006-34 |
Not all pure states on B(H) are diagonalizable
Charles Akemann, Nik Weaver |
2006-33 |
D-branes at Singularities, Compactification, and Hypercharge
Matthew Buican, Dmitry Malyshev, David R. Morrison, Herman Verlinde, Martijn Wijnholt |
2006-32 |
Persistence Properties and Unique Continuation of solutions of the Camassa-Holm equation
A. Alexandrou Himonas, Gerard Misiolek, Gustavo Ponce, Yong Zhou |
2006-31 |
On uniqueness properties of solutions of the k-generalized KdV equations
Luis Escauriaza, Carlos E. Kenig, Gustavo Ponce, Luis Vega |
2006-30 |
Global weak solutions of the periodic Hunter-Saxton equation
Jonatan Lenells |
2006-29 |
A Practical Splitting Method for Stiff SDEs with Applications to Problems with Small Noise
Hector D. Ceniceros and George O. Mohler |
2006-28 |
Derivation of the Aronsson equation for C1 Hamiltonians
Michael G. Crandall, Changyou Wang, and Yifeng Yu |
2006-27 |
Uniqueness of ∞-harmonic functions and the eikonal equation
Michael G. Crandall, Gunnar Gunnarsson, and Peiyong Wang |
2006-26 |
A visit with the ∞-Laplace equation
Michael G. Crandall |
2006-25 |
Group orbits and regular partitions of Poisson manifolds
Jiang-Hua Lu and Milen Yakimov |
2006-24 |
Uniqueness of bridge surfaces for 2-bridge knots
Martin Scharlemann and Maggy Tomova |
2006-23 |
Solvable matrix groups & the Burnside problem
Seymour Bachmuth |
2006-22 |
A Deodhar type stratification on the double flag variety
Ben Webster and Milen Yakimov |
2006-21 |
Growth of energy in minimal surface bubbles
John Douglas Moore |
2006-20 |
Nondegeneracy of coverings of minimal tori and Klein bottles in Riemannian manifolds
John Douglas Moore |
2006-19 |
Self-intersections of closed parametrized minimal surface in generic Riemannian manifolds
John Douglas Moore |
2006-18 |
Bumpy metrics and closed parametrized minimal surfaces in Riemannian manifolds
John Douglas Moore |
2006-17 |
Homology and Homfly
Stephen Bigelow |
2006-16 |
Alternating Augmentations of Links
Ryan Blair |
2006-15 |
Conway products and links with multiple bridge surfaces
Martin Scharlemann and Maggy Tomova |
2006-14 |
Partitions of the wonderful group compactification
Jiang-Hua Lu and Milen Yakimov |
2006-13 |
Three-manifolds, virtual homology, and group determinants
Daryl Cooper and Genevieve S. Walsh |
2006-12 |
Refilling meridians in a genus 2 handlebody complement
Martin Scharlemann |
2006-11 |
On non-compact Heegaard splittings
Scott Taylor |
2006-10 |
Generalized Property R and the Schoenflies Conjecture
Martin Scharlemann |
2006-9 |
On the existence of flips
Christopher Hacon and James McKernan |
2006-8 |
Covering spaces of arithmetic 3-orbifolds
Marc Lackenby, Darren D. Long and Alan W. Reid |
2006-7 |
An introduction to Garside structures
Jon McCammond |
2006-6 |
Non-commutative Groebner bases for the commutator ideal
Susan Hermiller and Jon McCammond |
2006-5 |
The integral homology of the group of loops
Craig Jensen, Jon McCammond and John Meier |
2006-4 |
On hermitian polynomial optimization
Mihai Putinar |
2006-3 |
Remarks on restriction eigenfunctions in Cn
Gabriela Putinar and Mihai Putinar |
2006-2 |
On Poincare's variational problem in potential theory
Dmitry Khavinson, Mihai Putinar and Harold S. Shapiro |
2006-1 |
Computing varieties of representations of hyperbolic 3-manifolds into SL(4,ℜ)
D. Cooper, D. Long and M. Thistlethwaite |