Graduate Financial Support

Financial support is available on a competitive basis in the form of Campus Fellowships, Teaching Assistantships and Associateships, Readerships, Graduate Student Research positions, Non-Resident Tuition Fellowships, and University Financial Aid (loans and work-study for domestic students only, based on need). Under normal circumstances, a Ph.D. student making good progress toward the degree can expect financial support for five years; M.A. students are not promised support. Since the number of graduate students eligible for support sometimes exceeds the number of available positions, support is allocated competitively on a year to year basis.

Campus Fellowships

These are one- to five-year fellowship packages that are awarded by a campus-wide committee on the recommendation of departments. The competition is very strong, and usually there are only a couple of applicants in Mathematics who are awarded one of these fellowships each year. Consideration is given to Fall applicants only, and it is imperative that all application materials be received in by December 15 in order to compete for these fellowships.

Teaching Assistantships

The majority of Departmental financial support is awarded in the form of Teaching Assistantships. A fully supported Teaching Assistant normally works approximately 16 hours per week. A Teaching Assistant's duties include the following: leading discussion sections and exam review sessions, holding office hours for students' questions, and grading exams or homework. A student who is employed as a TA is entitled to a quarterly full fee waiver. 

A Teaching Assistant is expected to demonstrate the basic skills and ability needed to teach mathematics. First-time Teaching Assistants must enroll in a Teaching Assistant Training course, which is offered every Fall quarter. Students whose native language is not English are required to fulfill the English as a Second Language (ESL) program requirements before teaching duties may be assigned. Failure to pass the ESL requirements by the end of the first quarter may result in a loss of the Teaching Assistant position.

Teaching Associateships

A limited number of Teaching Associate positions are available each year. These positions are usually awarded to advanced students, with demonstrated teaching ability, who hold a Masters degree. As an Associate you are completely responsible for the instruction of a course. Teaching Associates receive a slightly higher salary than Teaching Assistants.

Nonresident Tuition Fellowships

Nonresident tuition fellowships are usually available to pay a graduate student's nonresident tuition for one year. Students who will be unable to establish California residency after one year (e.g. international students) should consider this when making financial and academic plans. U.S. citizens and permanent residents who are not California residents can ordinarily establish California residency after living in California for one full year. Non-resident tuition is $15,102 per year for 2024-2025.

Graduate Student Research Assistantships

A limited number of Graduate Student Research Assistant positions are available each year. These are awarded to advanced graduate students who are currently working with a Dissertation Advisor. Research Assistant positions are awarded through specific faculty members. Salary varies. Fee benefits vary with percent of time employed.

University Financial Support

Financial aid is usually available in the form of loans or work-study, depending upon a student's financial need. Applications for University Financial Aid are normally due to the campus Financial Aid Office by March 1 of each year. However, students are advised to submit an application as early as possible. Only U.S. citizens and permanent residents are eligible for this aid. Various campus fellowships are available to new students on a competitive basis at the time of admission; the graduate application describes these in detail. Centrally administered fellowships are also available to continuing students and are also awarded on a competitive basis. (Note: Financial Aid awards are subject to change.)

Graduate Student Health Insurance

Payment of graduate student health insurance is mandatory for all graduate students. This requirement can be waived if the student can demonstrate that he or she has coverage from another source as good as or better than that provided through the Graduate Student Health Insurance Program (GSHIP). The university will provide payment of health insurance fees for all Teaching Assistants and Teaching Associates employed at 25% or more per quarter, and Graduate Student Researchers employed at 25% and above per quarter. Graduate Student Health Insurance fees are $2067.00 per quarter beginning Fall 2023. Currently, if the student has insurance coverage during Spring quarter, this coverage extends without further required premiums throughout the Summer break. The GSHIP is designed to cover approximately 80% of costs associated with catastrophic care. Routine medical care is provided by the Student Health Service, located on campus. The use of the Health Center is essentially free to students (covered through regular fees), with nominal charges for some lab tests. More information can be obtained upon arrival on campus.